- Corner of Ocean & Soquel in Santa Cruz
Bird Netting
Contract Labor
- Elkhorn Packing Co., LLC
P.O. Box 239
Salinas, CA 93902
Cover Crop
- Le Ballister’s Feed & Fertilizer
1250 Sebastopol Road
Santa Rosa, CA 95407
(707) 526-6733 or (888) 273-7333
Fax (707) 542-9740
Tom Hendrickson or Brian Leithe
- Snow Seed Company
21855 Rosehart Way
Salinas, CA 93908-9726
(831) 758-9869 or (800) 476-7333
Fax (831) 757-4550
Organic questions: John or Paul
Sales: Ted Kabota (831) 809-1682
Disease & Plant Health Testing
Educational Resources
- Duarte
- Sunridge Nurseries
Andrew Jones, Field Representative
441 Vineland Road
Bakersfield, CA 93307
(805) 234-4920
- Horizon
- Pajaro Valley Irrigation
- Scotts Valley Sprinkler
- Wyatt Irrigation
- Horizon
- Scotts Valley Sprinkler
- Wyatt Irrigation
- Pajaro Valley Irrigation
Pest and Weed Control
- Wild Farm Alliance:
– a resource for wildlife corridors, promotes farming practices that accommodate wild habitat and native species
PO Box 2570
Watsonville, CA 95077
831-761-8103 fax
- Airstrike Bird Control – predatory birds
- The Center for AgroEcology & Sustainable Food Systems, UCSC
The Effect of Hedgerows on Beneficial Insects and Pest Control on Central Coast Farms
- University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources
UC Cooperative Extension
website here
– includes IPM Pest Management guidelines for a variety of crops, including grapes – see the link here
– 2012 Efficacy and Timing of Fungicides, Bactericides, and Biologicals for Deciduous Tree Fruit, Nut, Strawberry, and Vine Crops
Pesticides and Fertilizer
- Agro-K Corporation, Inc.
Dennis Culver
(559) 967-5643
- Crop Production Services
5 Lakeview Road
Watsonville, CA 95076-3600
(831) 763-4533 or (800) 726-5873
Fax (831) 761-3070
- Helena
- California Dept. of Pesticide Regulation The best way to solve a pesticide-related problem often combines regulatory action and voluntary adoption of improved pest management methods. DPR has a legal mandate to encourage the use of environmentally sound pest management, including integrated pest management (IPM). Many DPR programs stress a least-toxic approach to pest management and promote risk reduction through information, encouragement, incentives, and community-based problem solving.
Soil Health & Erosion Control
- NRCS website on Soil Health
The resources here are about the benefits of soil health, the impact healthy soils can have on productivity and conservation, and about Soil Health Management Systems.
- NRCS Web Soil Survey
Web Soil Survey (WSS) provides soil data and information produced by the National Cooperative Soil Survey. It is operated by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and provides access to the largest natural resource information system in the world. NRCS has soil maps and data available online for more than 95 percent of the nation’s counties and anticipates having 100 percent in the near future.
- JetMulch408-370-3641 / /
Supplies (Misc.)
Tissue Analysis
- Dellavalle Laboratory, Inc.
1910 West McKinley Avenue, #110
Fresno, CA 93728
petiole or blade nutrient analysis; courier that will sample for you
- Bryan Equipment Company
1400 South Alta
Gonzales, CA 93926
(831) 675-2000
Fax (831) 675-2200
Nancy Sweet (831) 521-2003
- Jim’s Supply
- Quiedan Company
Vineyard Consultants
- Post and Trellis
David Page
(415)202-4428 (cell) or (650) 366-4104
- Prudy Foxx
Foxx Viticulture
- Rick Anzalone
(408) 206-2364
- Ron Mosley
(408) 858-1862
- Ken Swegles, Rhizos Viticulture 831-454-6045
- Coastal Range Vineyards
Alesia Viticulture Services. Contact: Joaquin Casanueva,
650-333-5490 cell
7620 Alpine Road, La Honda, CA 94020
License # FLC000234272
- Rueben Balderas
Coastal Vineyard Management
1651 Martin Avenue
San Jose, CA. 95128
(408) 593-7617 or (408)888-7617
Vineyard Property Consultant/Valuations
Viticulture Farm Advisors
- Larry Bettiga, Viticulture Farm Advisor, University of California
Cooperative Extension Monterey County
1432 Abbott Street
Salinas, CA 93901
(831) 759-7361
website here
- Michael Cahn, Water Resources and Irrigation Advisor
UC Cooperative Extension
Water Quality
- The Central Coast Agricultural Water Quality Coalition Represents farmers and ranchers in the development and implementation of voluntary, cost-effective, producer-directed programs to protect water quality on the Central Coast